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H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice & New Year Greetings 2018
H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice & New Year Greetings 2019
H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice 2020
H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice 2021
H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice 2022
H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice 2023

Watch this film Children From Earthquake for an excellent project summary



Lapchi Snow Mountain is situated in the eastern part of Nepal on the southern border of Tibet (China), at a height of about 4850 meters. It is considered to be a very holy place that has been blessed by the presence of Siddhas and masters like Mahasiddha Saraha, Padmasambhava and Milarepa (1052-1135) who meditated in the caves of Lapchi. Moreover, this region has been closely tied with the history of the Drikung Kagyu. The founder of Drikung Kagyu Lineage, Kyobpa Jigten Sumgun (1143-1217) had sent countless Vajrayana practitioners there and in the centuries that followed, many outstanding masters from the Drikung Kagyu Lineage went to Lapchi to advance their practices. Many practitioners went on extended meditation retreats in one of the numerous sacred caves.

Lapchi Association



Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang (Lapchi Compassion Home) is one of the branches under Nechok Lapchi Kagyu Milarepa Association (NLKMA) which is a non-profit organization in Nepal founded in 1995. H.H Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche is the Honorary Chairman of the association while His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche is the Advisor. The mission of the Association is to improve the lives of Lapchi villagers by providing education, medical services, infrastructure and so on.

The name of this project Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang (Lapchi Compassion Home) was kindly bestowed by His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche. The project’s mission is to ensure that the children from the village of Lapchi receive good care and good education, become self-reliant and contribute to the Lapchi community and the world at large.This project has been expanded from 10 children in 2016 to 20 children in 2022. They come from nomadic families living in Lapchi area. Since they are nomads, they inhabit two settlements in the region. During winter months when it is too cold to stay at the top of the Lapchi mountain  (4250 m) where the upper village is, the families have to move down to a lower village in Numagnang (3620 m) and vice versa in the summer time. After the earthquake and landslides in Nepal 2015, many houses in the village and the usual routes (roads and bridges) between Lapchi and Numagnang which they highly relied on were damaged. This becomes extremely difficult for the families to travel with their herds and in particular, it is dangerous for the children to travel along the broken paths.

Roads were destroyed after the 2015 earthquake



The people residing in Lapchi are poor and live in simple homes made of stones and metal roofs with no basic utilities like electricity, heat, hot water and gas for cooking. After the earthquake, the situation got only worse. Many of their simple homes were destroyed and have to be rebuilt. Many families lost animal live stocks like yak and cows that they greatly depend on. Some even lost family members. Under such harsh conditions, these parents who are overburdened by the heavy daily tasks raised genuine concern about the safety and the welfare of their children. They personally brought their children to Lapchi Compassion Home to seek help in the hope to secure food, safe lodging and proper education that may change the life of their children. It is also out of their trust in Lapchi Compassion Home that they take this very seriously. Out of compassion and after great consideration, executive members under the supreme guidance of His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche decided to extend Lapchi Compassion Home to Kathmandu. Under this new extended organization, with the help from three very competent staff, children from age 6 to 15 have moved to Kathmandu. They stay in a newly renovated home called Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang (Lapchi Compassion Home), under the guidance by village lama H.E Nubpa Rinpoche, the great care of the staff, and are enrolled in local school in Kathmandu. The parents happily accepted the project and they came personally to Kathmandu to drop off their children to the new Lapchi Compassion Home in Kathmandu for schooling. In this way, Lapchi Compassion Home helps to lessen the burden of their parents.


Parents brought their children to Lapchi Compassion Home in Kathmandu for schooling


Message from His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche on May 18, 2016


“The purpose of the "Lapchi Home" is to provide those Lapchi children who suffered from the Nepal earthquake an opportunity to receive education. It helps to relieve the burden of their families. Hope that all of you together help to accomplish this virtuous activity.”



Staff qualifications

1. Manager: Lhakpa Gyalpo completed his high school from India. (12th commerce)
2. Father: Tenzin Jungney completed Uttar Madhyama 1st level (Buddhist Philosophy)
3. Mother: Youdon completed her high school from India (12th commerce)
4. Program Manager (Volunteer): Dawa Tsering completed his B.A Psychology from India.

Currently three young caretakers – a female and two males are employed to look after 16 small children in a newly renovated home. They are young people from Lapchi who have studied in India and returned to Nepal to serve their village. Since the village of Lapchi is small and everyone knows one another, the children are familiar and comfortable with them. This also provides a means of proper living for the three young people. They have been properly selected to look after the well-being of the little children.







So far, eighteen children are enrolled in the Lapchi Children project and they will accept the future children from Lapchi if, parents sent their child to school. The children are studying in Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding School which has classes from Nursery to 10th grade and these children are studying between the level of Nursery and the 5th grade.



Children that need to be sponsored  ( updated in Nov, 2023)


Children Name:



Date of Birth


Father’s Name

Mother’s Name



Sonam Dolma

class 7


25th Nov 2010


Nyima Gyalpo 



Dawa Bhuti

class 7


7th June 2010



Nawang Dolma


Tenzin Nyidon

class 6


3rd Dec 2011



Dolma Tsering


Phubu Bhuti

class 4


7th March 2013


Kunchok Norbu



Konchok Dolma

class 7


22nd Jan, 2010



Chung Bhuti


Sonam Dolma

class 6


14th Jan, 2011



Chung Bhuti


Passang Kunkyi

class 5


18th April 2012





Dickyi Dolma

class 5


12th Aug 2012


Tsaten Dorjee

Passang Tsamchoe


Tenzin Methok

class 2


8th May 2016


Tsetan Dorjee

Passang Tsamchoe


Tsering Chokyi

class 3


10th March 2014


Nyima Gyalpo



Tsering Tobgyal



21st October 2016


Nyima Gyalpo



Sonam Chokyi

class 2


23rd April 2015



Dolma Tsering


Tenzin Tashi

class 2


2nd June 2015





Passang Yangkyi

class 1


10th June 2016


Konchok Norbu



Dorhee Tsering




5th Sept. 2016


Tsetan Dorjee

Passang Tsamchoe


Jangchup Dolma



2nd May 2018


Konchok Norbu





Passang Norbu



5th Dec. 2016



Chung Bhuti


NOTE: U KG: Upper kindergarten

             L KG: Lower Kindergarten




Current Sponsorship program

           BUDGET FOR EACH CHILD in 2022

Items NO










Education fee


 5000 Rs


 60,000 Rs



Hostel fee
















Staff pay





























 IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



 Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:105 Nepali rupee


 $ 100


$ 1,200


Can I choose which child I would like to sponsor by myself?

All children need to be sponsored equally. However, sponsors do have the choice to specify gender and age of the child that they wish to support.


Which costs are covered by my sponsorship contribution?

It covers basically everything including education, shelter (utility), food, clothes, medical care, administrative fees etc.


Can I correspond with my sponsored child by post and e-mail?

Yes, but with the coordination of the manager of the Lapchi Compassion Home. Even though English is a new language for the child, through a sample of drawings, simple alphabets, words or even a simple letter from time to time, you will see the progress of the sponsored child. The sponsored children will not seek direct communication with their sponsors to avoid miscommunication that could lead to misunderstanding and loss of credibility.


When does my sponsorship come to an end?

Basically you can end your sponsorship at any time without giving any reasons. However, please inform them in advance about the termination so that they can plan ahead. Sponsorship also ends if your sponsored child.

A) leaves school permanently (e.g. return to biological family/ Lapchi village)

B) completes education at school

C) start to work


Can I visit my sponsored child at the Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang?

Yes, all sponsors are welcome to visit the Lapchi Compassion Home in Kathmandu where the children live. It will certainly bring joy when sponsors come with gifts and other items to the sponsored child. However, it is important to observe and respect the daily routines and duties so that a normal and harmonious functioning of the home can be maintained without disturbances. Also, the visit should not be too long so that other children do not feel jealous.


Can I send gift packages to my sponsored child?


Yes, but please send only small well-packaged parcels by registered mail. Since the postal service in Nepal is quite unreliable, parcels are often either lost or damaged. In additional they have to pay quite high custom duty when receiving those parcels. It happens that the duty fees are even higher than the value of the parcels. Due to the above reasons, sending the parcels is actually not the best option. They suggest that you add the gift amount to the sponsorship payment and specify the nature of the gift so that they can purchase the gifts and hand them over to the child without waste.


What gift can I bring to my sponsored child during my visit?


You can bring small gifts such as clothing items like trousers, jacket, shoes or stationery, balls, fountain pens, etc. If possible, preferably bring something for all members of your sponsored child's family. It is also possible to buy all these items in Nepal.


What does it mean to sponsor a child of Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang?

••   Every cent of your sponsorship will mean so much to the sponsored child.

••  You provide an unique opportunity for the children to receive good care and good education at early age, thus pave the way for a better future for the children.

••  You will have the satisfaction of greatly benefited the child and a life-long deep appreciation from the child who come from a remote Lapchi area.


You will receive:

••   Personal drawings and letters from the sponsored child

••   Photographs of the child

••  Annual report of the child if you wish 


What is Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang’s motivation and attitude towards the children?


They take well care of the upbringing of all the children and give them opportunity to receive regular school education, support and train each child whatever the child need physically, mentally, emotionally as well as educate them on their unique culture, language, religion, values. In addition, they will also, of equally importance, help each child to cultivate a warm heart as mentioned in His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lamas' speeches below.


Education Matters Says His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Sydney, Australia, June 13, 2013: Turning to the topic of education, he said that everyone wants to live a happy life and has a right to do so. But the way we go about achieving it must be realistic. He suggested that there is often a gap between appearance and reality and the purpose of education is to reduce that gap. Many of our problems arise because we cling to appearances rather than depending on reality. When our minds are clouded by emotions, they are biased and obscured from seeing reality clearly. The purpose of education is to enable us to look the surface of appearances and see the reality beneath. He said:
Many of the problems we face are man-made. Perhaps I should say human created problems, for which incomplete education is responsible. In addition to basic education, we need to encourage warm-heartedness, concern for others and compassion. Otherwise, when our marvelous intelligence is led by powerful negative emotions, it invites disaster. The real source of trouble is in our mind and emotions.”


Education and the Warm Heart by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama at Emory University, Druid Hills, Georgia USA, in May 1998:

One of the unique things about humanity is the special human brain. We have the capacity to think and to memorize. We have something that can have very very special qualities. Because of that, education becomes very important. I believe that education is like an instrument. Whether that instrument, that device, is used properly or constructively or in a different way depends on the user. We have education on the one hand; on the other hand, we have a good person. A good person means someone with a good heart, a sense of commitment, a sense of responsibility. Education and the warm heart, the compassion heart - if you combine these two, then your education, your knowledge, will be constructive. Then you are yourself then becoming a happy person.


During the school holidays, if everything goes well, Lapchi Compassion Home also have plans to bring the little children home to Lapchi to reunite and spend some time with their parents and relatives.


Is there any other alternative?

Unsuccessful attempt to set up school in Lapchi village

A school was set up earlier in the village of Lapchi by our association. However, due to a lack of qualified teachers and school facilities, among other problems, the school eventually failed to continue its operation. The people staying in the village are not properly educated as teachers. They are nomads. It is also difficult to get qualified teachers to stay permanently in Lapchi to teach and help the children. At that time, a Nepali teacher from another village and one Tibetan teacher were employed to teach in the school. Later one teacher left to become a monk and another one left to assist the family work with the cattle. Another problem is that because of the nomadic living style of the Lapchi people, it is hard to set up school facilities that can shift from place to place. Sometimes teachers did not come to Lapchi on time as they came from another village. All these are some example and problem happened at that time.

In the meantime, this Children Education Sponsorship Project is the best solution that everybody has accepted.

In the longer run, they hope to find better alternative solution once they get good facilities of education and qualified staffs as well as solution to safeguard children in Lapchi so that the children can move back to Lapchi. They also hope to be able to build qualified houses to all the households with well guidance of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche.


Can the Lapchi Home include all children in the Lapchi village?

Currently, there are a few children between age 1 to 2 in Lapchi. Whether in the future these or other children from Lapchi will be sent to us or not will be the decision of the parents. However, it also depends on whether or not the sponsorship program can find enough resources to provide opportunity for children of all ages. The Lapchi children are expected to help out in the daily house chores, like looking after baby yaks. When they get older, they are also expected to help with herding the yaks (cattle) in order to share tasks for the family. Unless Lapchi Compassion Home is financially secured to provide for the children for every family, it is impossible to expect every family to be at ease to send their children of all ages to school. This is unlike in the West, children have better living condition and parents can quite comfortably afford things for their children, without having the children to work.

Sponsorship Contribution

From fall 2023, Lapchi Association has formally withdrawn from financing the Lapchi children and their home. Under the guidance of H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche, the financial matter is now managed by Lama Tensor (Rinpoche’s nephew), Lama Thrinley, and Ihakpa Gyalpo. If you would like to make a donation, please contact. Lama Tensor at +977 986 0373710, Lama Trinlay at +977 980 3238113 or Lhakpa Gyalpo at +977 980 8354958 (Email:



Progress Report on March 1, 2017                 HOME   TOP 



1. . Currently there are fourteen children under the care of the Lapchi Compassion Home in Kathmandu which is operated by Lapchi Association. So far only four children are sponsored: two sponsorships from Ratnashri Meditation Center, Sweden and one from France of one year, and a half-year from Singapore. Thus, more sponsorship is needed in order to continue the program. Temporarily, the Lapchi Association is channeling fund to make up for the project deficit. The biggest challenge right now is to find enough financial support to all the children since the fund from Lapchi association may not be sufficient to continue with the children home operation.


2. One of His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche’s generous patron has recently donated a home in Kathmandu to Rinpoche to run this charity project so that the sponsorship cost has now reduced to 100 USD per child per month (from previously 138 USD) and 1 200 USD (from previously 1540 USD) per year.  See the cost breakdown table below.






 Education fee

 2,950 Rs

 35,400 Rs


 House Maintanence fee







 Staff pay
















IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:105 Nepali rupee


$ 100


$ 1,200


3. Children are living happily together because they are from the same village and they know each other well and they like to play village games together. The caretakers are doing a great job to provide good care toall the children.


4. The children are receiving good education from the Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding High School in Kathmandu. They like to go to school learning new things and meeting good friends. They are all doing very well in school.


5. Seeing that the children are doing so well, their parents are all very pleased with the situation. Sometimes they will go to the lower village to get phone connection and call the home to talk to the children. They all came to Kathmandu to visit their children during the Mani-retreat in December and received blessings from His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche. The children all went home during the winter break to unite with the parents. They are now happily back again from home.


6. The children received blessings from His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche, His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche, Venerable Khenchen Rinpoche and Venerable Lapchi Dorzin Dhondup Palden Rinpoche at the end of December. The Lapchi Association staff also received advice and blessings from His Holiness.

7. His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche encourages all of us to donate whatever amount you can to support this project. Rinpoche said, “This kind of virtuous deed when it is done with good motivation, the amount is not important. One simply donates whatever one can. Most important is how we do it. If the act is done from the heart of love and loving kindness, it is a virtuous act. Once the virtuous act is performed, there is no need to think about the result. If we perform virtuous deed without expectation, one is free from attachment and self-grasping; thus, one can live in a care free manner.” We are so grateful to Rinpoche for giving us such precious opportunity to practice bodhicitta, generosity and  to accumulate merits.


8. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.





Children live happily together




Children enjoys singing along with the music (clicking here or the picture to see the video)



Happy school days and children’s engagement in their studies

Children are having fun



Children grow under the great care of the staff



Children like the school work and get good result



Since roads to or from Lapchi are in bad condition, journey to or from home is hard-work for the parents.

It can mean a 7-hour of carrying the child on their back.


Children received blessings at Rinchen Ling Monastery, Nepal





Progress Report on October 12, 2017                     HOME   TOP       H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice & Year Greetings 2018

1. Situation has improved, out of the fourteen children in the project, nine of them are now sponsored with one year sponsorship.

2. Swedish sangha and Ratnashri Meditation Center continue the sponsorship for two children for the second year. From March 2017 to now, fifteen sangha members have made contributions. The total amount including the list of donations will be handed over to His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche personally during the 800th Mahaparinirvana celebration event in JangChubLing. Each donor received a small gift from Rinpoche  and a special DVD film Children from Earthquake as souvenir.

3. During spring, summer and fall, children stay in Kathmandu enjoying their daily routine of going to school, doing their homework and playing together. During holidays or leisure times, the volunteer from Lapchi Association plays music and sings songs with them enjoying the warm home life together. The children will come home to their parents for a month during the winter break. Childrencontinue enjoying their daily routine of going to school, doing their homework and playing together.


4. Occasionally, they are visited by visitors who bring gifts to the children and play with them.  Last year, our Center brought puzzles for the children as a Christmas gift. This year the children will receive art sets.


5. Children are growing up healthily, happily and harmoniously. Below are some of the pictures capturing those moments.


6. Right now, the project is still running a deficit since five child sponsorships are missing. As a result, the project must rely on funds from Lapchi Association which currently channels valuable resources from other critical projects aimed at restoring and preserving the holy place of Lapchi, in particular after the massive earthquakes in 2015.We sincerely hope that more sponsorships can be found so that the children home operation can continue.


7. The monthly and yearly budget for each child remain the same as last year.







 Education fee

 2,950 Rs

 35,400 Rs      


 House Maintanence fee







 Staff pay
















IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:105 Nepali rupee


$ 100


$ 1,200










8. As before, His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche encourages all of us to donate whatever amount you can to support this project. Rinpoche said, “This kind of virtuous deed when it is done with good motivation, the amount is not important. One simply donates whatever one can. Most important is how we do it. If the act is done from the heart of love and loving kindness, it is a virtuous act. Once the virtuous act is performed, there is no need to think about the result. If we perform virtuous deed without expectation, one is free from attachment and self-grasping; thus, one can live in a care free manner.” We are so grateful to Rinpoche for giving us such precious opportunity to practice bodhicitta, generosity and  to accumulate merits.


9. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.






Progress Report on December, 2018                               HOME   TOP       H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice & New Year Greetings 2019

Click the link here or the picture above to watch the film that summarizes the Lapchi Children Project

1. The Lapchi Association accepted two more children from the Lapchi villagers this year. The total number of children staying in the Lapchi Compassion Home is now sixteen. Ten out of the sixteen children obtained sponsorship for this year 2018, six children are without sponsorship.

2. Swedish sangha and Ratnashri Meditation Center continue the sponsorship for two children for the fourth year. From October 2017 to now, fourteen sangha members have made contributions. The total amount including the list of donations has handed over to His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche in early April 2019. Each donor received a gift from Ratnashri Meditation Center and each donor will be blessed by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche through their names.

3. The children are doing well. They have been working hard to prepare for the school examination in early December. Right after that, the winter school break began and they have all gone home to reunit with their families in Lapchi during the break.


4. They have been well taken care of by the caretakers. They enjoy learning new things in school. They like doing their homework and playing together in the Lapchi Compassion Home. During holidays, they play and sing together and are taken to parks and playgrounds. On hot summer days, they swim in the pool. On special occasions, they visit the Rinchen Ling Monastery to attend some Buddhist celebration ceremonies. At times, they are visited by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche and Gelong Lapchi Dorzin Dorzin Dondup Palden Rinpoche. It is His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche's wish that they receive proper care and education so that they can contribute the society as well as their home area in the Lapchi area in the future.


5. Children are growing up healthily, happily and harmoniously. Below are some of the pictures capturing those moments. Watch the latest film of these lovely Lapchi Children


6. Right now, the project is still running a deficit since six child sponsorships are missing. As a result, the project must rely on funds from Lapchi Association which currently channels valuable resources from other critical projects aimed at restoring and preserving the holy place of Lapchi, in particular after the massive earthquakes in 2015.We sincerely hope that more sponsorships can be found so that the children home operation can continue.














 Click here or the picture below to watch the film of these lovely Lapchi Children




7. As before, His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche encourages all of us to donate whatever amount you can to support this project. Rinpoche said, “This kind of virtuous deed when it is done with good motivation, the amount is not important. One simply donates whatever one can. Most important is how we do it. If the act is done from the heart of love and loving kindness, it is a virtuous act. Once the virtuous act is performed, there is no need to think about the result. If we perform virtuous deed without expectation, one is free from attachment and self-grasping; thus, one can live in a care free manner.” We are so grateful to Rinpoche for giving us such precious opportunity to practice bodhicitta, generosity and  to accumulate merits.


8. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.


9. The monthly and yearly budget for each child remain the same as last year.






 Education fee

 2,950 Rs

 35,400 Rs


 House Maintanence fee







 Staff pay
















IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:105 Nepali rupee


$ 100


$ 1,200




Progress Report on May 7, 2020                HOME   TOP  H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice 2020



1. Currently fourteen children from the Lapchi village are taken care of by the staff at the Lapchi Compassion Home. Ten out of the fourteen children obtained sponsorship, four children are without sponsorship. Three more children are expected to come soon, so there will be seven children without sponosrship.

2. This is the fifth consecutive year that our Swedish sangha and Ratnashri Meditation Center take the sponsorship of two children. From April 2019 to May 8, 2020, twelve sangha members made contributions. The total amount together with the list of donations and donors have handed over to His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche on May 6, 2020. The donors are blessed by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche through their names.

3. The children are doing well. They have been well taken care of by the staff members. The children love school and enjoy studying together in the Lapchi Compassion Home after school. Check out the pictures and the film below.


Lapchi Children love school

        Lapchi Children enjoy drawing at home together

Lapchi Children enjoy learniing at home together




Click the picture to watch the film.


4. During the winter school break of the entire month of January, they all went home and spent quality time with their families in Lapchi village. Check out the pictures below.


Lapchi children stayed with their parents in Lapchi village during the winter school break



5. Last year before the coronavirus, the Lapchi Compassion Home caretakers brought the children to many different activities such as swimming and outings such as Chandragiri Hill and Phulari. They enjoyed such recreational activities so much as you can see from the pictures below.







6. The Lapchi Compassion home is regularly visited and blessed by the Lapchi retreat master Gelong Lapchi Dorzin Dondup Palden Rinpoche as well as by other Lapchi retreatants, and lamas from Drikung Rinchen Ling Monastery. Check out the pictures and the film below.



Lapchi retreatants and Rinchen Ling lamas performed pujas at the Lapchi Chilreden Home

 Click the picture to watch the film.


7. Gelong Lapchi Dorzin Dondup Palden Rinpoche came to the Lapchi Compassion and celebrated Losar together with the Lapchi children and some of their parents. Check out the pictures and the film below.



Lapchi children celebrated Losar in their Lapchi Compassion Home

Click the picture to watch the film.


8. Right now, the project is still running a deficit since four children are not sponsored. When three newcomers arrive in the near future, the expenses of a total of seven children are not sponsored. As a result, the project must rely on funds from Lapchi Association which currently channels valuable resources from other projects aimed at restoring and preserving the holy place of Lapchi. We sincerely hope that more sponsorships can be found so that the children home operation can continue.


9. After the massive earthquake in Nepal in 2015, many retreat huts, trails, village homes and temples were destroyed or badly damaged. With the invaluable help of H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche and generous sponsors from different parts of the world, Lapchi Association was able to establish a five-year restoration plan, which has been carried out until now. The plan includes restoring the Lapchi trails, retreat huts, temples, Lapchi village, and establishing a Lapchi Children’s Home in Boudhanath. Lapchi Association greatly appreciate your continuous support in this final lap of their restoration plan. The success in these activities brings much peace and security to the Lapchi villagers who are predominately parents to the Lapchi children. The Lapchi villagers also receive holy objects like statues and other supplies from the Lapchi Association. The restoration and improvement of the roads and trails in the remote Lapchi region make all future pilgrimages to Lapchi, the holy place much easier. Check out the pictures below.


Restoration of roads and trails to Lapchi



Restoration of retreat huts, temples and homes in Lapchi village





The Lapchi villagers received holy objects and supplies from the Lapchi Association


10. In spite of the coronavirus outbreak and the lockdown policy, the Lapchi children are doing well staying home. They keep on learning and playing together, having much fun. Check out how the children are coping with the coronavirus lockdown below.



How they cope with the coronavirus lockout.

Click the picture to watch the film.

11. Children are growing up healthily, happily and harmoniously. It is His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche's wish that they receive proper care and education so that they can contribute to society as well as their home area in the Lapchi area in the future. As before, Rinpoche encourages all of us to donate whatever amount you can to support this project. Rinpoche said, “This kind of virtuous deed when it is done with good motivation, the amount is not important. One simply donates whatever one can. Most important is how we do it. If the act is done from the heart of love and loving kindness, it is a virtuous act. Once the virtuous act is performed, there is no need to think about the result. If we perform virtuous deed without expectation, one is free from attachment and self-grasping; thus, one can live in a care free manner.” We are so grateful to Rinpoche for giving us such precious opportunity to practice bodhicitta, generosity and  to accumulate merits.


12. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.


13. The monthly and yearly budget for each child remain the same as last year.






 Education fee

 2,950 Rs

 35,400 Rs


 House Maintanence fee







 Staff pay
















IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:105 Nepali rupee


$ 89

according to Western Union on May 9, 2020



$ 1,068



Progress Report on Sept. 4, 2021                HOME   TOP  H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's Advice 2021



1. Currently a total of eighteen children from the Lapchi village are taken care of by the staff at the Lapchi Compassion Home. Four more young kids have joined since last year. Nine out of the eighteen children obtained sponsorship, so nine children are without sponosrship.

2. This is the six consecutive year that our Swedish sangha and Ratnashri Meditation Center take the sponsorship of two children. From May 9, 2020 to May 7, 2021, twenty-five sangha members made contributions. The total amount together with the list of donations and donors have handed over to His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche on May 7, 2021. The donors are blessed by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche through their names.

3. The children are doing very well in spite of the lockdown due to the cronavirus pandemic on and off since last year. They have been well taken care of by the staff members. The children take their online school classes via inernet during the lockdown and they enjoy studying at the Lapchi Compassion Home. Check out the pictures and the film below.



The Lapchi children attending the online classes attentively (Click the picture below to watch the video)






Self-study before and after class





4. They like to play together on the big balconcy in the Lapchi Compassion Home building









May be an image of 10 people, child and people standing




5. Fun to learn the Tibetan songs together   (Click the picture to watch the video)



Click the picture below and watch the video


6. They recently celebrated His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang’s Birthday  

(Click the picture and watch the video)


May be an image of 1 person, child, standing, balloon and indoor


May be an image of 12 people, child, people sitting and people standing

May be an image of 13 people, child, people standing, balloon and indoor


May be an image of 6 people

7. Children felt relaxed when the lockdown ended  and could do outdoor activities together





May be an image of 3 people, people sitting and food


May be an image of 5 people, child, people standing, outerwear and tree


8. Fun to learn the traditional Tibetan dance    (Click the picture below and watch the video)






9. They spent their whole winter break at home with their families in Lapchi


Parents and some of the Lapchi children


Losar Celebration in the Lapchi village




10. The Lapchi Association has now completed the Five-Year Restoration Plan for renovating the trails, temples, retreat huts, and so on in Lapchi after the earthquake.

11. This spring, the Lapchi Association has also completed the eraction of a new kitchen and new roof at the Lapchi Gonpa as well as the restoration of other monastery rooms that started last summer.

May be an image of standing and mountain


May be an image of standing and mountain



May be an image of tree and mountain




May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors


Project completed!  The inside dinning area


May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors


Project completed! The outside kitchen building


May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors



12. Children are growing up healthily, happily and harmoniously. It is His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche's wish that they receive proper care and education so that they can contribute to society as well as their home area in the Lapchi area in the future. As before, Rinpoche encourages all of us to donate whatever amount you can to support this project. Rinpoche said, “This kind of virtuous deed when it is done with good motivation, the amount is not important. One simply donates whatever one can. Most important is how we do it. If the act is done from the heart of love and loving kindness, it is a virtuous act. Once the virtuous act is performed, there is no need to think about the result. If we perform virtuous deed without expectation, one is free from attachment and self-grasping; thus, one can live in a care free manner.” We are so grateful to Rinpoche for giving us such precious opportunity to practice bodhicitta, generosity and  to accumulate merits.


13. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.


14. The monthly and yearly budget for each child remain the same as last year.






 Education fee

 2,950 Rs

 35,400 Rs


 House Maintanence fee







 Staff pay
















IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:105 Nepali rupee


$ 89

according to on Sept. 4, 2021



$ 1,068






Progress Report on August 27, 2022                HOME   TOP 


1. Currently a total of twenty children from the Lapchi village are taken care of by the staff at the Lapchi Compassion Home. Two more young kids have joined since last year. 9 out of the twenty children obtained sponsorship, so 11 children are without sponosrship.

2. This is the seven consecutive year that our Swedish sangha and Ratnashri Meditation Center take the sponsorship of two children. From May 8, 2021 to May 7, 2022, thirteen sangha members made contributions. The total amount together with the list of donations and donors have handed over to His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche on August 19, 2022. The donors are blessed by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche through their names.

3. The children are doing very well. They have been well taken care of by the staff members. The children started going back to school as the Covid-19 lock down restriction is now lifted. They enjoy staying and studying together. Check out the pictures and the film below.


Lapchi children enjoy doing their homework (click on a picture in the first row below to watch the video)





Going back to School - As the lock-down restriction has lifted, schools are reopened. The children are exciting to go school and five new kids who are joining school for the first time.

Click on a picture in the first row below to watch the video.



A group of children posing for a photo

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They stay happily together in the Lapchi Compassion Home

A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of children posing for a photo

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4. Recreational activites are equally important to them. They love all kinds of activites such as swimming and hiking.

     Click on a picture in the first row below to watch the video.







        Click on the picture below to watch the video


A group of children walking on a dirt path in a forest

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A picture containing tree, ground, outdoor, post

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5. On the spiritual level, they perform daily evening prayer recitation and meditation to purify and pacify the mind.

     Click on the picture below to watch the video. 


6. Happy Family Gathering – their parents visit their children at the Lapchi Compassion Home during the winter break.

A group of people posing for a photo

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A picture containing grass, person, indoor, standing

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Click on the picture below to watch the video.


A group of people sitting at desks in a room

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7. Celebrating Losar (Tibetan New Year with good food, beautiful costumes, and cultural dances.


A group of children posing for a photo

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Click on the picture below to watch the video.


A picture containing grass, person, outdoor, young

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  A picture containing grass, person, child, standing

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A picture containing grass, indoor, person, group

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8. Receiving Lapchi Dorzin Rinpoche and Lapchi Yogis for the celebration of Losar at the Lapchi Children Home.


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A picture containing person

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9. Lapchi children and parents, together with Lapchi Dorzin Rinpoche and Lapchi Yogis celebrating Losar together.


A group of people sitting in a room

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A group of people sitting on the grass

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A group of people posing for a photo

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A group of people sitting at tables

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A group of children sitting on the ground

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Click on the picture below to watch the video.


 10. Celebrating 3rd day of Losar at Drikung Rinchen Ling Monastery.

A group of people sitting around a table

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A group of people sitting in a room

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A group of people posing for a photo

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11. Celebrated His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chungtsang Choskyi Nawangs 80th Birthday Celebration at Drikung Rinchen Ling Monastery.


A group of people posing for a photo in front of a building

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A group of people in a room

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Click on the picture below to watch the video.



12. Capturing a few moments of the lives of the Lapchi children’s parents and villagers in Lapchi village.

A group of people posing for a photo

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A picture containing grass, outdoor, person, standing

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A group of people standing outside a building with a mountain in the background

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13. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.


14. The budget (monthly and yearly) for each child is slightly different from  last year.


Items NO










Education fee


 5000 Rs


 60,000 Rs



Hostel fee
















Staff pay





























 IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



 Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:108 Nepali rupee


 $ 100


$ 1,200





Progress Report on December 23, 2023                HOME   TOP 


1. Currently a total of seventeen children, ages 5 to 13, from the Lapchi village are taken care of by the staff at the Lapchi Compassion Home. Lapchi Association is no longer administrating the finance of the Lapchi children Project. Now under the guidance of His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche, the finance of the Lapchi children is managed by Lama Tensor, Lama Thrinley, and Ihakpa Gyalpo. Lama Tensor has been trying hard to find sponosrships for all the children. Rinpoche really appreciate our continous support to the Lapchi children since 2016.

2. This is the eighth consecutive year that our Swedish sangha and Ratnashri Meditation Center take the sponsorship of two children. From May 8, 2022 to July 2, 2023, fifteen sangha members made contributions. The list of donations and donors was handed over to His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche on July 19, 2023. The donors are blessed by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche through their names.



3. The children are happy and healthy. They are doing very well in school and at home. They have been well taken care of by the staff members. Under 2023, they have been having lots of fun engaging in many group activities that were not permitted some time due to the pandemic shut down. Their happy moments are well captured and documented below, both in pictures and in videos below.


a. Celebration of His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche's 82nd birthday



b. Celebration of Losar (Tibetan New Year) together with HE Nubpa Rinpoche at Sankhu Drikung Kagyu Retreat Center in Nepal

     (Watch the video here)  




c. Celebration of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's birthday (watch video here)



d. The Lapchi children love swimming in the summer




They also enjoy some treats afterwards




e. Strong friendship is built through various group activities organized by the staffs (watch video here).








Lapchi children dance along with the traditional Tibetan music and modern music (watch video 1, video 2, and video 3)








f. The kids are out for some exciting adventures (watch video 1 and video 2 here)







g. At the Lapchi Compassion Home, the elder kids serve food for the younger ones. They say prayer before having delicious meals together (watch video here).






h. When it is time to study, they study seriously and diligently (watch video here)








i. The Lapchi children do morning meditation when they wake up.




j. They expressed their gratitude for the new matresses they received recently.


5. Every winter break, they all packed up to travel home to their parents in Lapchi




 Their parents are upholding the Tibetan culture in the Lapchi village




Their parents visit their root guru His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche at the Sankhu Drikung Kagyu Retreat Center




6. During these recent years, the Lapchi Association has been working unceasingly with improvments in the villagers' homes, the Lapchi Gompa, and improvement in roads.


a. Home Improvement - those homes with blue and green ceilings those that have been renovated after the earthquake in 2015.


b. Gompa Improvement


c. What a success in repairing and new construction of the roads leading to the Lapchi village














7. Respect pay to retreat master Lapchi Dorzin Dhondup Palden Rinpoche who gives spiritual support to the Lapchi children




8. Our kind Guru Vajradhara HE Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche







9. Any donation amount will be GREATLY appreciated.


10. The budget (monthly and yearly) for each child is about the same as  last year.


Items NO










Education fee


 5000 Rs


 60,000 Rs



Hostel fee
















Staff pay





























 IN NEPALI Currency Rs:



 Total fee for per child in US $

Exchange rate:108 Nepali rupee


 $ 100


$ 1,200



From fall 2023, Lapchi Association has formally withdrawn from financing the Lapchi children and their home. Under the guidance of H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche, the financial matter is now managed by Lama Tensor (Rinpoche’s nephew), Lama Thrinley, and Ihakpa Gyalpo. If you would like to sponsor one child or more annually or make a one-time donation, please contact. Lama Tensor at +977 986 0373710, Lama Trinlay at +977 980 3238113 or Lhakpa Gyalpo at +977 980 8354958 (Email:


You can also make donation to  Ratnashri Meditation Center, Sweden


Transfer within Sweden

Plusgiro:1287806-2  (Ratnashri Meditation Center)


Foreign transfer (to currency SEK Swedish kronor)

Name & address of bank: Nordea Bank Sweden, 10571 Stockholm, Sweden

Swift address: NDEASESS


IBAN Account number: SE91 9500 0099 6026 1287 8062   (within European Union)

Bank Account number: (Clearing 996026) 1287806-2

You can transfer to the account above via Western Union.

**Please write “Lapchi Children”, your name and email address on the payment.


Blessings and dedication of merits to Benefactors

In appreciation of the benefactor’s contribution for the projects run by the Lapchi Association, there are activities to invoke blessing for donors and dedicate merits to donors throughout the year, such as:

1.      Recitation of the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra on auspicious months.

2.      Dharma practice and hanging of prayer flags in auspicious days.

3.      Continued offering of light to the Buddha, daily recitation of mantras and offering to protectors, done by the resident lamas of Lapchi.

4.      Daily visualization and dedication of merits to benefactors of the ten directions done by practitioners at the various retreat centers in Lapchi.

Concluding Words

The Lapchi Association hopes that these children will in the future bring new hopes to the community and the holy place of Lapchi in their own ways, whether it is about morally and spiritually nourishing themselves, teaching the younger generation, or serving to preserve the holy place of Lapchi, etc. The association is very grateful for your interest and attention paid for the well-being of the Lapchi village children who are under the care of our Lapchi Compassion Home (Lapchi Jamtse Kyi Khang). They are sincerely thankful to your kind support. They guarantee that every cent of your donation will be spent on covering the expenses of the children.

              His Eminence the 12th Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche wrote this beautiful vajra Tsok Song of the Intrinsically Very Pure Perception and offer to you.



The spiritual leader of the Lapchi Children Project His Eminence Drubwang Nubpa Rinpoche

Enjoy this beautiful vajra song sang by His Eminence the 6th Barlok Rinpoche who composed the music here. Video arrangement by Sanchi TV. 
Enjoy H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche's own recitation of the vajra song here.

A Vajra Tsok Song of Intrinsically Very Pure Perception

Mind's nature being empty and unborn is the dharmakaya Lama.

Being empty, yet displaying unimpeded manifestations is the yidam and his consort in union.

Self-arising creativities are the dakas and dakinis.

རྩ་གསུམ་རང་ལ་གནས་པའི་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཅིག་ཞུའོ། །
I request the Three Roots which actually dwell within myself to be accomplished.

The fire deity of tummo burns up all karma and afflictions without residue,

While the great bliss nectar from the HANG-syllable dissolves into my channels and chakras.

I request the host of divine yidams (who abides) in my channels and chakras

To enjoy the accomplishment of the undefiled great bliss.

The afflictions as-it-is, pure from the very beginning, is primordial wisdom.

Grasping at the distinction between discarding and remedying is an adventitious delusion.

By making desirable offerings of the six senses manifested as ornaments,

I request the accomplishment of the two accumulations (of merit and wisdom) to be swiftly perfected.

Vajra brothers and sisters, who gather together with same karma and aspiration,

Enjoy the ganachakra feast of undefiled skillful means and wisdom.

I request and make the aspiration that we actually attain buddhahood in the same mandala,

ཚོམ་གཅིག་མངོན་སངས་རྒྱས་པའི་སྨོན་ལམ་ཞིག་ཞུའོ། །
In the celestial Akanishta pure land of our intrinsically very pure perception.

This was expounded by His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche in the retreat house at Namthang.

Chinese translation by Liu ZheAn and English translation by Ratnashri Meditation Center



For all inquiries about the program, please contact Dawa Tsering, Lapchi Association Secretary at

Nechok Lapchi Kagyu Milarepa Association (NLKMA) Web:

Facebook: Lapchi Restoration



Download Progress Report Flyer, March 2017

Download Progress Report Flyer, October 2017

Download Progress Report Flyer, December 2018

Download Progress Report Flyer,  May 2020

Download Progress Report Flyer,  Sept. 2021

Download Progress Report Flyer,  Sept. 2022 

Download Progress Report Flyer,  Jan.. 2024 



Download Heart Advice by H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche & New Year Greetings 2018
Download Heart Advice by H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche & New Year Greetings 2019

Download Heart Advice by H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche 2020

Download Heart Advice by H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche 2021

Download Heart Advice by H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche 2022

Download Heart Advice by H.E. Nubpa Rinpoche 2023


Collection of His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche's Teachings

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Facebook: His Eminence Nubpa Rinpoche


Videos related to the Lapchi Holyland:

In the Footsteps of a Yogi - Lapchi Pilgrimage 2011 video
Lapchi Pilgrimage 2015  video series
Milarepa Song  video