Home to Ratnashri Meditation Center
Public Talk: How to Endure Hardship with Loving Kindness and Compassion
Public Talk: Inspiration for Difficult Times
Public Talk: Karma and Loving Kindness
Public Talk: Living a Meaningful Life
Public Talk: Integrating Buddhism in Daily Life
Questions and Answers during Rinpoche's 2016 visit
Meditation on Immeasurable Love
The Thirty-Seven
Bodhisattva Practices
(click the flag for Swedish)
The Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva Practices teaching video commentary
Calling the Guru from Afar video1 text
Fivefold Mahamudra Teaching teaching video
The Essence of Mahamudra teaching video1 video2
Commentary on The Aspiration Prayer of Kuntuzangpo text
The Ganges: Pith Instructions on Mahamudra teaching video1 teaching video2 text
Teaching on Milarepa's Songs commentary video1 video2
Empowerment and Teaching on Chakrasamvara video1 video2
Shakyamuni Empowerment video
Achi Chökyi Drolma Empowerment video mantra invocation dance
White Tara Empowerment video teaching video
Medicine Buddha Empowerment video
Ushnisha Vijaya (Namgyalma) Empowerment video
Amitabha Empowerment video
Amitabha Teaching teaching video1 video2 The Aspiration of Sukhavati txt Amitabha Sadhana Garchen Rinpoche's Amitabhas in Rinbow Spheres
The Aspiration Prayer from "Destroyer of the Great Trichiliocosm" chanted by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche Text
Prayer for the Deceased and for World Peace video
Prayers for the Bardo by Tertön Karma Lingpa teaching video text
Bardo teaching in Seattle 2014 video
Ocean of Single Enlightened Mind Bardo Prayer teaching video text
Yangzab Shitro (Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities) Empowerment video
Shitro (Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities) Empowerment video Teaching video
Mandala of 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, Liberation Through Wearing
Great Drikung Phowa (JagTshugMa) teaching video in Stockholm video in Seattle text with pictures
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche Perform Phowa for the Dying and the Deceased
Noble Wisdom at the Time of Death Sutra Summary (Sutra and Commentary) (臨終智大乘經 )
108 Quotes by Garchen Rinpoche
More Dharma Teachings by Garhen Rinpoche
Bodhicitta Message from H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Thirty Mantras' Recitation by Garchen Rinpoche
Official Site for Garhcen Rinpoche's Movie "For the Benefits of All Beings"
Official Site for Garchen Rinpoche's Biography
More on Garchen Rinpoche's biography
Long Life Prayer: The Excellent Stream of the Elixir of Immortality
For a list of all the teachings and empowerments by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, go to YouTube or ustream.com and search for: Garchen.