Dharma reminders (in English, Swedish & Chinese)

Buddha Nature

All sentient beings naturally desire happiness and comfort because our true nature of mind, Buddha Nature, is of total peace, happiness, love and is undefiled. So we desire these qualities externally to be in line with our inner true nature. Our true nature of mind is temporarily clouded by adventitious defilements, like clouds blocking the sun rays. Still, the clouds cannot totally obscure the sun (our true nature of mind). Thus, when we suffer, we desire peace and happiness. We need to know that, self-grasping is the root cause of all suffering (since the notion of self does not exist in our inner true nature of mind) whereas altruistic mind (which is our inner true nature of mind) is the root cause of all happiness.

~ Teachings by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche in Singapore on Diamond Rosary

Jigten Sumgon said, "The Buddha's blessings are not greater for me or less for you." This is true because our own buddha nature and the buddha nature that has actualized by the great masters are not different. So let us build confidence, develop devotion, and practice tirelessly in order to realize that our negative thoughts and obscurations are only temporary. Purify them without exception and realize buddhahood.

~ from Opening the Treasure of the Profound by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche

When a diamond is covered with mud, is its quality lessened? No, a diamond is a diamond. But when it is encrusted with mud, we don't use it as an ornament. When we realize that a diamond is underneath the mud, we take it out and polish it. Similarly, the essence of our own mind is no different from the Buddha's mind. When we realize this, we can "uncover" the mind by purifying negative thoughts. When we experience this directly, that is the Buddha's omniscient mind.

Before we can do anything, we have to recognize that a naturally pure jewel is present in the mud. Once discovered, we first clean the jewel with a rough cloth or salty water. After that, we clean it more gently. Finally, we wash it gently with medicinal water and polish it with a silk cloth. Through these efforts, the pure jewel is revealed. We reveal our buddha nature in the same manner. First, we practice the four foundations to remove the gross layer of mud. Then we do the practice of ngondro - the preliminary practices - to uncover the more subtle obscurations. After that, relative and ultimate bodhicitta will uncover the most subtle layer of mind, and out comes the pure jewel of enlightened mind!

~ from A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche p. 173


Alla levande varelser önskar naturligt lycka och välbehag eftersom vår sanna sinnenatur, buddhanatur, är obefläckad och är av total frid, lycka och kärlek. Sålunda önskar vi att den yttre miljön står i samklang med vår inre sanna sinnenatur. Vår sanna sinnenatur är temporärt täckt av främmande villfarelser, liksom molnen tillfälligt blockerar solljuset. Men molnen (villfarelserna) kan ändå inte helt skymma solen (vår sanna sinnenatur) för när vi lider då trängtar vi efter frid och lycka. Vi ska veta att självklängande är den yttersta orsaken till allt lidande (eftersom detta själv inte existerar i vår inre sanna sinnenatur) medan altruism är den yttersta orsaken till all lycka.

~ Undervisningar av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche i Singapore på Diamond Rosary

Jigten Sumgon sade, ”Buddhas välsignelser är inte större för mig eller mindre för dig.” Det är sant då vår buddhanatur inte är annorlunda än den som förverkligats av de stora mästarna. Låt oss därför bygga förtroende, utveckla hängivenhet och outtröttligt utöva så att vi må inse att våra negativa tankar och villfarelser är bara tillfälliga. Rena dem alla utan undantag och förverkliga buddhaskapet.

~ ur Opening the Treasure of the Profound av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche

Om en diamant täcks av lera blir dess kvalitet då mindre? Nej, en diamant är en diamant. Men om den täcks av hårdnad lera använder vi den inte som utsmyckning. När vi blir medvetna om att en diamant gömmer sig under leran tar vi fram den och polerar den. På samma sätt är essensen av vårt sinne inte annorlunda än buddhas sinne. När vi uppfattar det kan vi blottlägga sinnet genom att rena negativa tankar. När vi direkt erfar detta är det buddhas allvetande sinne.

Innan vi kan göra något måste vi veta att en naturligt ren juvel gömmer sig i leran. När juvelen är upptäckt rengör vi den först med ett grovt tyg eller salt vatten. Sedan rengör vi den varsammare. Slutligen tvättar vi den varsamt med medicinalvatten och polerar den med sidentyg. Med sådana ansträngningar uppenbaras den rena juvelen. Vi uppenbarar vår buddhanatur på samma sätt. Först utövar vi de fyra grundtankarna för att ta bort det grova lagret av lera. Sedan utövar vi ngöndro – de förberedande övningarna – för att blottlägga de mer subtila fördunklingarna. Därefter blottlägger relativ och absolut bodhicitta det mest subtila lagret av sinnet och fram träder det upplysta sinnets rena juvel.

~ utdrag från A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, sid. 173


所有眾生都自然地渴望得到安樂,因為我們的真心性(佛性),性相是全然安樂, 慈愛及無雜染的。因此,我們希望外界環境也是同樣地能符合我們心的本性。我們的佛性被客雲(雜染)暫時罩着,就如雲擋住了太陽光。儘管如此,雲(雜染)是不能把太陽(我們的佛性)完全掩蓋。故此,當我們受痛苦時,我們渴望得到安樂。我們需要知道我是一切痛苦的根源(因為我們的佛性是没有概念),而利他是所有幸福的根源。

~堪千昆秋嘉辰仁波切在新加坡講解 Diamond Rosary

吉天說,佛給予我的加持力不會比較多或給予你的比較少。 這是真實的,因為我們的佛性與大師已实现的佛性是無異。所以,讓我們建立信心,培育誠信,修持不懈,從而領悟到我們的恶心和障故只是暫時的把它們所有除無餘悟成佛果。

~摘錄於 Opening the Treasure of the Profound 堪千昆秋嘉辰仁波切




Precious Human Life

A precious human life (with leisure and endowments) is the basis for enlightenment and it is because of this that we have the opportunity to purify all the obscurations that cause suffering, cultivate bodhicitta (mind of enlightenment), and actualize the perfect qualities of mind. There are so many things in the world that we could do, but revealing the inner qualities of the mind is the highest achievement, because it is the ultimate solution for all problems both now and in the future.

~ from A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche

Even though it is difficult to find and has great beneficial effects, it is very easy to lose. There is no one who can prolong life, there are many causes of death, and each moment passes in an instant. Therefore, contemplate how difficult this precious human life is to obtain, how it is easy to lose, and how great its beneficial effects are. Think of this body as a boat and, therefore, make as much effort as possible to cross the ocean of samsara.

~ from Jewel Ornament of Liberation translated by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche

Det värdefulla människolivet

Det värdefulla människolivet (med ledig tid och gynnsamma förutsättningar) är grunden för upplysning och tack vare detta liv har vi möjlighet att rena villfarelser som orsakar lidande, att utveckla bodhicitta (det upplysta sinnet) och att förverkliga sinnets alla fulländade kvaliteter. Det finns så många saker som vi kan göra i denna värld men att frambringa sinnets inre kvaliteter är den största bedriften då det är det yttersta svaret på alla problem både i nutid och framtiden.

~ ur The Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche

Svårt att finna och med stor fördelaktig verkan så är det bräckliga livet ändå lätt att mista. Inte någon kan förlänga livet, dödsorsaker är många och att varje stund passerar i ett ögonblick. Därför kontemplera över hur svårt det är att livet finna, hur lätt det är att mista och hur stor fördelaktig verkan kan vara. Betrakta denna kropp som ett farkost och sträva idogt att korsa samsaras hav.

~ ur Jewel Ornament of Liberation översatt av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche


(暇满)寶貴人身是成佛的依據。因此, 我們能以此(寶貴人身)把所有苦因之障故净除無餘,能发菩提心,能實現到真心完美的本質。我們可在此世界做很多事情, 但是能露现真心本質的成就是最高的,因為不論是現在或是將來,它是解決所有問題的最終答案。


這希有之寶貴人身又極易壞滅;因為無人能延長壽命,死亡之緣實在太多,人之生命剎那變滅。因此沉思: 此寶貴人身難得易壞具大利益,應把它當做是一隻舟筏,勇猛地乘之而越過輪迴海。

~大部分摘錄於冈波巴大师全集选译张澄基 译注


Karma is not merely a Buddhist belief. If karma were a belief system, then karma would exist if you believed in it, and would not exist if you didn't. In that case, it would be better not to believe in karma because your belief would just be creating an unnecessary burden for yourself.

However, this is not the case. Karma means action. Any action we engage in with body, speech, or mind creates a cause. Thus, all happiness and suffering depend on the causes, the karma, that we created. Karma is the way in which all phenomena function. For our own benefit, we must understand it because karma is behind everything. Every moment of our life, we create karma or experience the results of karma. "As you sow, so shall you reap"; this saying describes karma exactly.

~ taken from Diamond Rosary by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, p.65


Karma är inte enbart en buddhistisk tro. Om karma vore en trosföreställning så att karma endast existerar om man tror på det men inte annars, i så fall vore det bättre att inte tro på karma då det bara skulle skapa onödiga hinder för en själv.

Men så förhåller det sig inte. Karma betyder handling. Med varje handling som vi utför med kropp, tal eller sinne så skapar vi en orsak. Sålunda beror all vår lycka och lidande på de orsaker – karma – som vi skapar. Karma är sättet på vilket alla fenomen fungerar. För vår egen skull måste vi förstå detta då karma ligger bakom allting. I varje ögonblick av vårt liv skapar vi karma eller upplever resultaten av karma. ”Som man sår får man skörda.” Detta ordspråk beskiver karma väl.

 ~ utdrag från Diamond Rosary av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, sid. 65


業力不僅是佛教的信仰。如果業力是一種信 仰系统,你相信,它就存在,你不相信,它 就不存在的話,那麼總是不信業力比較好, 因為這種信仰只會為自己造成不必要的負擔。

然而,這並非如此。業力的字面意思是行 動,由任何身口意的行動而造成習慣性傾向 的因。(一旦有合適的條件,習慣成熟時,會 表現在未來的事件中)。因此,所有的幸福和 痛苦都決於我們造成的因,亦即業力。業力 是所有的現象操作的方式,為了自己的利益 ,我們必須理解業力,因為業力是在一切的 背後。我們生活的每一刻,都在造業或受業 果。”當你播種,如此你將收穫”。這句話恰好 描述了業力。

~ 摘錄於Diamond Rosary 堪千昆秋嘉稱仁波切釋論 (第65頁)


One day Milarepa was walking on a small trail holding his cooking pot in his hands. He fell, dropped the cooking pot, and it shattered. Right at that moment, recollection of his contemplation on impermanence arose vividly. He used this ordinary experience as an astonishing teaching, and sang:

The pot that once was has broken into pieces.
This demonstrates that all composite phenomena are impermanent.
In particular, it shows human life to be the same.
So, I will meditate and practice Dharma harder than before.
This was the only wealth I owned.
When it shattered, it became my teacher.
Thank you for this fresh, priceless teaching.

By transforming the incident into a meditation practice, he came to understand the nature of all phenomena.

~ from Diamond Rosary by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, p.65

Buddha said: O monks! All composite phenomena are impermanent.

In what way are they impermanent? The end of accumulation is dispersion. The end of all construction is falling. The end of meeting is separating. The end of life is death.

~ from Jewel Ornament of Liberation translated by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, page 83


En dag gick Milarepa med sin matgryta i famnen på en liten stig. Han ramlade och tappade matgrytan som splittrades mot marken. I det ögonblicket blev han kraftfullt påmind om sin kontemplation över förgänglighet. Denna vardagliga händelse förvandlades till en djup lärdom och han sjöng:

Grytan som en gång var är nu i bitar slagen.
Det visar hur alla sammansatta fenomen är förgängliga.
I synnerhet gäller detta också människolivet.
Med än större bestämdhet ska jag nu meditera och utöva Dharma.
Grytan var min enda ägodel.
När den splittrades blev den min lärare.
Tack för denna tankeväckande, oskattbara undervisning.

Genom att förvandla olyckstillbudet till en meditationsutövning kom han till insikt om alla fenomens sanna natur.

 ~ utdrag från Diamond Rosary av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, sid. 65

Buddha sade: Ack munkar! Alla sammansatta fenomen är förgängliga.

[…] På vilket sätt är de förgängliga? Ackumulation slutar i utspridning. All konstruktion slutar i förfall. Sammankomst slutar i separation. Liv slutar i död.

~ ur Jewel Ornament of Liberation översatt av Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, sid. 83


一天密勒日巴尊者雙 手抱著土鍋,在一條小徑上行走。一不小心, 失腳跌倒,土鍋落在地上,隨即打破。尊者看 見這個景象,當下想起了『無常』的道理,生 出了更深的出離精進的心,不覺唱道:
昔日土鍋今已破, 一切無常頓顯示;
此身無常尤應覺, 應無懈惰勤精進。
密勒僅有之財產, 惟此土鍋今已破;
鍋破正堪為我師, 物我無常同一例。

尊者將事故轉為修行,親身體驗到一切現象 無常的本質。

~部分摘錄於密勒日巴尊者傳 张澄基 译注


《法集要颂经》云: “积累终消散,兴建终倾颓, 相逢终别离,生者终必死。”

~摘錄於冈波巴大师全集选译张澄基 译注
More Dharma Teachings by Drikung Kagyu Masters


      Ratnashri Meditation Center, Sweden


    *    Details of the following pograms will be updated later

    *    Tsa Lung Beginner Course, Sat. 9-12  April 26 to May 31, 2025

    *    Lujoing Refresher Course, Sat. 15-16 May 3 - 31, 2025

    *    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Study Group, Sun. 13-14 fr. Apr. 27

    *    Khenpo Tamphel teaches Gongchig, May 16 - 18, 2025

    *    Drubpon Kunsang: Vajrayogini Retreat & Advanced Lujong  5-9/6

    *    Shravasti Meditation Retreat, July 3-6

    *    Khenpo Chophel: Dharma talks, Mani & Njungne retreat, 5-17/8     

    *    Wisdom Publications will publish Four Dharmas of Gampopa

    *    Lapchi Children Education Project Progess Report 

    *    Practice Schedule  









Charity Project





Ratnashri Meditation Center, Sweden TOP



Ratnashri Meditation Center        TOP

Ratnashri Meditation Center is a nonprofit organization (802408-2326) which was established 1997 by most Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche of the Drikung Kagyu Tradition.  The center is under the supreme guidance from His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche. The purpose of the Center is to promote Buddha's precious teachings by providing opportunity for Dharma practitioners to study, practice, and progress on the Dharma path. To achieve this goal, the Center invites highly qualified masters to visit regularly for teachings and retreats. The primary teachers of the Center are most Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, His Eminence Garchen Triptrül Rinpoche and His Eminence Nubpa Konchok Tenzin Rinpoche. Many of us were deeply moved and inspired by their heartfelt teachings. The Center has been visited by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, H.E. Drubwang Rinpoche, Venerable Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche, H.E. Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche, H.E. Nubpa Konchok Tenzin Rinpoche, H.E. Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche, His Eminence Dagpo Chenga Rinpoche, Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Venerable Rabsang Tulku Rinpoche, Venerable Drubpon Yeshi Trinley Rinpoche, Venerable Drubpon Jampa Rigzin Rinpoche, Venerable Drubpon Kunsang Rinpoche, Venerable Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche, Khenpo Konchog Tamphel, Khenpo Choskyab, Khenpo Konchog Sherab, Venerable Drubpon Konchog Khandro, Khenmo Thrinlay, Venerable Thich Minh Hanh, Dr. Wangyal and Dr. Dawa. We are very grateful for their precious Dharma teachings.

The Center opens regularly for Dharma group study and practice. Our newsletter, Ratnashri Newsletter is published four times a year to promote and inspire enthusiasm in the study, practice and application of Buddha's Dharma teachings in our everyday life.


Ratnashri Newsletter OUR CENTER        TOP

Ratnashri Newsletter is published four times a year which contains precious Dharma teachings, vajra songs, upcoming events and practice schedule.  The purpose is to inspire and arouse enthusiasm to our Dharma study and practices.




Dharma study and practices at Ratnashri Meditation Center,  February - September, 2024 


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Unbroken practice is like a watchful guard.  

It is simply unscattered and is free from accepting or rejecting. 

There is no duality of things to be abandoned and thus, no need for their antidotes. 

This is my heart's advice.

(from Drikung Bhande Dharmaradza)


Direction to our Center

The requirement for participating in any of the meditation practices is to have received empowerment and teaching from a qualified master on that particular meditation practice.

The practice schedule is subject to change. Please check before you participate.

Meditation practice holds on Sunday afternoon kl. 14 - 17


Programs for 2025 will be announced later.





 Retreat with Khenpo Tamphel, September 30 - October 1, 2023


Latest Message from the most Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche  OUR CENTER   TOP

To all the members and friends of Ratnashri Meditation Center. The Center has regular program for dharma study and meditation practice every week. Dharma is always useful and practical application when we face difficulties, specially in our mind. So dharma study and practice means how to bring inner peace and joy for oneself and others. It is wisdom and insight to choose the right cause for happiness for this life and next.

Many greetings for the New Year and hope to see you all sometime in this year.

Many prayers.
Sincerely, Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen.



Dharma activities and Dharma projects OUR CENTER         TOP

The Center’s ongoing projects / activities include

  1. Organize visits and programs for Drikung teachers
  2. Production, publication and distribution of Ratnashri Newsletter
  3. Maintenance of Web site
  4. Meditation group
  5. Study group
  6. Transcriptions, translation of texts from the Drikung Kagyu Lineage
  7. Overhaul of the structure and organization of Ratnashri Meditation Center
  8. Project to support Drikung Kagyu Dharma activities




Contact information     OUR CENTER        TOP     

Ratnashri Meditation Center, Friggavägen 11, Lidingö, Sweden


Web Site: https://ratnashri.se

Facebook: Ratnashri Meditation Center, Sweden


Telephone: +46 8 765 5878


Direction to our Center


Bank Information:

 Ratnashri Meditation Center, postgiro 128 78 06-2.

Foreign Payment Information:

Bank: Nordea Bank Sweden, 10571 Stockholm, Sweden

IBAN : SE91 9500 0099 6026 1287 8062

Swift address: NDEASESS

Account holder: RATNASHRI MEDITATION CENTER, Friggavägen 11, 18132, Lidingö, Sweden

Paypal donation address: paypal@ratnashri.se



Membership and donation   OUR CENTER        TOP

You are welcome to become a member of Ratnashri Meditation Center, Sweden.    The membership period extends from January to December of the same year.   It is used to cover the printing cost, postage, for the Centers' Dharma activities and for the support to our teachers' Dharma activities. Full membership (300 SEK). Please send the payment to

Ratnashri Meditation Center, postgiro 128 78 06-2.


Donation opportunities   OUR CENTER        TOP

Any donation is welcome.  All donations will be used to support Center’s Dharma activities and other Drikung Dharma projects. 

Please send the payment to Ratnashri Meditation Center, postgiro 128 78 06-2.

Foreign Payment Information

Bank: Nordea Bank Sweden, 10571 Stockholm, Sweden

IBAN : SE91 9500 0099 6026 1287 8062

Swift address: NDEASESS

Account holder: RATNASHRI MEDITATION CENTER, Friggavägen 11, 18132, Lidingö, Sweden

Paypal donation address: paypal@ratnashri.se










May I carry out the vow of Manjushri to totally purify the practice of good;
Tireless through all future ages, may I fulfill all those tasks.
May there be no limits to practice, and no limit to virtues;
Persisting in infinite practices, I know all their miraculous creations.
As long as the earth exists, as long as all beings exist,
As long as acts and afflictions exist, so long will my vow remain.
Let me give the Buddhas all worlds in the ten directions adorned with jewels.
Let me give celestials and humans supreme happiness for eons as many as atoms.
By whatever virtue I accumulate, having invoked the vow to practice good.
May the pure aspiration of the world be at once all fulfilled.
By the endless surpassing blessing realized from dedication to the practice good,
May worldlings submerged in the torrent of passion go to the higher realm of Infinite Light.
(from the Flower Ornament Scripture)